Logan Destine

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Logan last night before his weigh in

Yawn and a Stretch

Daddy Cuddle Time!

Here we are having a nice little cuddle just before bedtime.

I had too much to Drink!

This is the face we get when Logan has had to much to drink and gets all sleepy on us.
On the night this photo was taken …Logan made a huge jump in gaining 50 grams in one day. Normally he only gains about 15 to 20 grams in a day. So his grand total is now up to 4 lbs 6.5 ounces.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

This has to be the best picture of him yet!

Look at that face!

Logan Collage

Logan's First Victim

Laura was moving Logan to the scale to get his naked weight, and then POW! He peed all over her, funny how Boys always pee on their mothers.
If you look to the left in the picture here, you can see Logan’s little crib that he is in now.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Out like a lightweight

Well Daddy gets the last cuddle in with Logan, before he goes out for the night.

LOOK at that Grip!

Just as Logan was drifting off to sleeping in my arms, he reached up and grabbed my finger. Laura was quick to get the shot of his grip.

Soooooooo Cold!

We had to strip Logan down so that the nurses could examine him. He didn’t cry nor did he shiver, he just looked at us with this look on his face.

The Happy Family

finally a picture of the whole family

A special gift for a special woman

While Laura was taking a nap one day, I went shopping for a necklace for her. This was what I found at the Celtic Creations store. It's a mother with her child, with a Celtic knot in the corner. The reason I got something with a Celtic touch to it was, because LOGAN is an Irish name and I wanted something for Laura to celebrate being a mother now.

We now have 2 children

Yes we have a BBQ now...and I feel like we have 2 children now (I call this one Grill-Face

Monday, August 21, 2006

Too cute to let him sleep

As we were getting Logan ready for the transfer to Lions Gate Hospital we could not resist having one quick snuggle. I mean come on, with him wearing that little toque, we just had to pick him up.

Logan’s first ambulance ride

The paramedics where very good at making sure Logan was safe and sound in his portable incubator. Very comfy as you can see.

Cuddle time

We both had an oppertunity to have some cuddles which was skin to skin contact (Skin to Fur when Logan was with Dad). It was so nice to finally have some close contact with our little boy.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Ahh good mommy is here.

We where so happy to see Logan when we arrived and as soon as Laura put her hand on him, you can see he was happy to see us as well.

I can See clearly now !

Well Logan has been making tremendous strides on getting better. He is now breathing on his own! No more C-pac. All the nurses agree he looks like his dad. But there is definitely some of mommy's good looks in him as well. What do you think?

Logan's room

Well here are some shots of Logan’s room. As you can see we still have to get a few things to make the room complete

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Cuddle time

Look at that Proud Momma with her special little boy

Sign This Kid up for YOGA!

This is how Logan was laying inside Laura's tummy. Man, does my boy have some flexibility or what......this could also explain why he wanted out right away.

Big Boy Logan!

I hope that this gives you some kind of an idea as to how small Logan is .......he weighed in at 4 Lbs 3 ounces and was 44 cm long.

Logan Destine's Birthday

Well Little Logan decided that he wanted to be a Leo instead of a Libra.
So on August 13th at 1:13 am Logan came squawking into this world (9 Weeks early) and well here he is with Daddy.