Logan Destine

Thursday, August 11, 2016

June & July 2016

 Michael bought Logan a Kendama from Japan.
This is Logan pretending that he is a unicorn
(not the way this toy is intended to be played).
 North Vancouver's Canada Day Parade was great.

 We went to UBC's botanical gardens to
check-out their Treetop walk.
 Nice way to stay cool in the shade,
but very rickety!!
 A nice evening on our North Shore waterfront.
 Logan was happy to point out his contribution on a huge
wall mural that his class helped paint.
 Every Friday night at the N.Van shipyard, there is
a night market.  There are vendors, entertainment and
over 40 Food Trucks!
 Nice pic of your parents, Logan!
 Having some fun on the field across from
where we live.
 A history lesson and a fun afternoon.

 No luck while panning for gold.


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