Logan Destine

Friday, September 01, 2006

He Got Me!

Well he got me finally. After a week of changing Logan and taking over to the scale for his naked weight, he never peed on me until last night. Yeah the nurse asked if I could hold him a bit longer while she got his bed all made, and then POW! He cried a bit and then I looked down at my shirt, and well I finally got christened by my son. Well we had to wait until we got home to take the picture, but you can see he got me good, Laura was so happy that she wasn’t the only one now to have gotten peed on my Logan.


Blogger CAMacKinnon said...


I don't have to worry about that (never did), but I have a great pic of me covered in Tyler's vomit. Don't worry, your time will come. You're gonna get yours.

10:30 PM  

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