Logan Destine

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The happy little COW-BOY

Well everyone who knew me asked me the same question “What are you dressing Logan up for Halloween?” If I had my way I would have him dressed up in a Wolverine or Spiderman costume. But trying to find anything that would fit him was a bit of a challenge, so I had to grab the first costume that I thought would fit him. I found this little Cow costume one day when I was out shopping. So as I was vacuuming one day I thought about what my answer would be when someone asked me what Logan was going as for Halloween. My answer “He is a COW-BOY” and one of the cutest little Cow-Boys in the world sucking away on his pacifier. Once we had him all dressed up it was time to go out Trick-or-Treating with Daddy.


Blogger Smiers Family said...

COW-Boy...too cute. Love that kind of sense of humour

12:05 AM  

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