Logan Destine

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Logan's first play date

On Saturday, we were invited to Matt, Renee and Mia's place. Mia is four months old. Both Mia and Logan seemed fascinated by each other. It was fun to watch as it was the first time Logan had seen another baby that wasn't in a mirror.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Week 16

I know, I know, he's wearing the same outfit as last week. There is one difference in his attire between the two pictures. Can you spot the difference?

We had our visit with the developmental specialist this week. She was very happy to see that Logan is developing at the four month old level instead of his corrected age of 3 months. Good boy! Although he doesn't enjoy it very much, Logan needs to spend more time on his tummy. Got to strenghten those core muscles.

Logan has begun sucking his thumb frequently. It doesn't replace his soother yet. Mom won't get too frantic until his baby teeth start to fall out. Then that habit will need to get broken.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Week 15

Logan turned 5 months old this week. He had his monthly doctor appointment and is tipping the scales at 14 lbs 13 oz. He's still being a good sleeper at night. Unfortunately he's still a night owl, not entertaining the suggestions of going to bed before midnight. 1:30am is what he prefers.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Smiley face

We had to add this picture. It is a tough job trying to catch the smiles. Unfortunately the image is a bit blurry.

The T-shirt was a gift from our friends in Holland, Deanne & Rob.

Week 14 ----> Five months old!

The 13th of January marks Logan being 5 months old. Where does the time go?

We're discovering Logan's impatient nature. When his feed is interrupted for a burp, man is he not happy!

We bought Logan a mirror for him to look at himself when he's on his tummy or we can attach it to his crib. He really enjoys it. He giggles and talks to himself. It is fun to watch.

We've taken Logan out for a few walks during our "cold snap" (of course he's well bundled). The walks aren't too long. Just long enough to get some fresh air.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Week 13 -- Who says it's unlucky?

It's been exciting to see Logan discover his feet this week. He has been grasping onto toys dangling infront of him too. Everything goes straight to the mouth.

Logan continues to sleep straight through the night (9-10 hours in a row). However, last night he woke at 3:30am after falling asleep at 9:30pm. He was alert and ready to play. At 5am he relented and fell asleep until 10am.