Logan Destine

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Week 17

This week Logan has discovered shrieking. He'll shriek for no apparent reason and he'll shriek if he's hungry or has a messy diaper, for example. We're trying not to react to his shrieking so he won't associate shrieking with getting results.

As I had the pleasure of putting Logan to bed each night (Mike was on the 7am shift), I managed to get Logan to sleep at 11pm and even 10:30pm. I'm very pleased with this progress. I don't mind getting up to feed him around 6:30am-7am as he usually falls right back asleep for another two hours. Some mornings I go back to bed too.

The weather was beautiful this week so we got out each day for nice long walks (except Wednesday. We were stranded indoors as our front stairs were taken out to fix the rotten wood).


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