Logan Destine

Friday, April 27, 2007

Mmmm, Sweet Peas anyone?

On to Logan's second vegetable....Sweet Peas.
Initially Logan didn't care for the texture of the Peas. I then strained his second serving through a sieve and he seemed happier.
I think carrots will be next. Stay tuned!

Week 29

Last week, Logan had his assessment by the Developmental Specialist. He is right on track for his "corrected age" of six months.
His second bottom front tooth (#71) has also popped through.
Logan attended his second Mother Goose session. Last week Dad went. This week Mom went. We've learned some new songs to add to the mix.
Logan met his new doctor this week and got weighed. His current weight is 18 lbs, 1 oz.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Week 28 -----GO CANUCKS GO!

well Better late then never right.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Week 27 ---> 8 months old

Hard to believe but today is Logan's eight month anniversary. As much as I long for some of our life before he arrived, I wouldn't trade him being a part of our lives at all.
Logan's first tooth has erupted. Tooth #81 (his lower right central incisor). It seems like he's been teething forever. We know it is only the beginning. Teeth will be appearing until he is 3!
Logan can now sit for little periods of time unassisted.
Logan is sporting his Easter outfit. A gift from Meme (Michael's Mom). Another gift from Meme was a Crest spin brush toothbrush. I think he'll need a few more teeth before he can use it. We'll save it for then.

Easter & Sweet potatoes

Grandpop helped the Easter Bunny hide some eggs in the garden. On Sunday, Logan had his first Easter Egg hunt. He found all but one!

On Friday the 13th, Logan had his taste of "real" food. On the menu....Organic Sweet Potato puree. He did make a few faces but all in all, I think he liked it.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Week 26

Logan's first Easter is here. Saturday we'll go to Chilliwack to celebrate with Michael's family. On Sunday, we'll celebrate with Laura's father. Finally, on Wednesday we'll celebrate with Laura's Mom (she's working all weekend).

The weather has been great which means lots of long walks.

Happy Easter everyone!