Logan Destine

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Week 32

It has been an eventful week. Logan's Grandparents returned to Winnipeg. Logan had his first swim in a pool. He celebrated his first Mother's Day! Thank-you for the pedicure Logan...How did you know? Now my toes are spring ready. The developmental specialist came for another visit. She was very impressed with Logan's progress (getting up on his hands and knees, sitting on his own for long periods, standing while assisted, etc.). We were given an exersaucer from Logan's cousins, Kai & Kael, as they didn't need it anymore. He enjoys it a lot. Michael returns to work next week after being on holidays.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cutie you are little Logan. I love this picture you are so excited about that wonderful hand of yours.

9:08 PM  

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