Logan Destine

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Pumpkins

Michael does such a nice job carving the pumpkins. We just have to share them with you.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hallowe'en at EA

Electronic Arts went all out for the kids. On Sunday, they converted part of their underground parking lot into fun, games and snacks. From the pictures above you can see that they had different themes with brilliantly dressed actors. Star Wars, Peter Pan, Snow White, Wizard of Oz, Lord of the Rings and Alice in Wonderland.
Logan's costume is going to keep him nice and warm on Wednesday night (Halloween night). Unfortunately, it got him pretty warm at the EA event. So the top half of the costume came off mid way through.
Michael received many compliments on his outfit.

Friday, October 26, 2007

After all the rain we've had, it is so nice to have the sun again. I've nicknamed this type of tree to "rainbow tree". The leaves towards the bottom of the tree are still green, then there is the gradual change to yellow, then the brilliant red at the top.
A big day for Logan today. He now faces forward in his carseat. I switched both seats from rear facing to forward facing this afternoon.
I think Logan liked it. He seems to be higher and gets to see more around him. It is nice to turn and see him when I've stopped at red lights.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Autumn is Here

Logan loves playing in the leaves with Michael. Michael piles them infront of him and he swats at them with his hands. Of course, stopping to closely examine then sample the odd one.

Total teeth count = 8

This evening Logan walked backwards a few steps. He seemed quite pleased with himself so he did it again.