Logan Destine

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007

Logan did very well with all the "business" of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. He received a lot of fantastic things. He is very lucky!
He wasn't too sure of Grandpop's Rudolf nose. But soon warmed up as Grandpop sang "Rudolf the red-nosed Reindeer".
Logan got dressed up for the occasion in a new Christmas outfit.

Nana cooked a nice Christmas Eve dinner on the 24th. Logan was lucky to open a few gifts at Nana's before returning home to get to bed before Santa came.

Logan slept until 7am on Christmas morning. Santa had been and left a beautiful stocking (handmade by Nana) filled with many goodies.

We all enjoyed a Christmas brunch at Grandpop & Linda's house. As we were preparing to make the drive out to Chilliwack to visit with Michael's family, it started to snow. I cannot remember how long it has been since we had a white Christmas. Thankfully the roads were fine and we travelled safely.

Christmas Dinner was a joint effort. Mamere, Aunt Nadine and Uncle Phil all pitched in to make a beautiful dinner. Thanks again for having us. Logan enjoyed seeing his cousins again.

Boxing Day was a quiet day at home with a nice walk in the neighbourhood in the afternoon. Have to take advantage of the sunshine while it lasts.

We hope you all had a Merry Christmas!


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