Logan Destine

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lucky Logan

Logan hasn't been snapped in photos recently. Please enjoy these most current shots of Logan. Now 19 months old.
We joined Logan's friend, Seth, for an afternoon at the park. Logan sure likes the swings.
Michael went out and bought each of us a shirt for St. Patrick's Day.
So, what is Logan up to? Always running, on the go!!! Still a good little eater. We've been going through a phase where Logan isn't interested in his afternoon nap. It means that he falls asleep very easily by 7:30pm. How nice for Michael and I to have our evenings together........
After Logan has been asleep for 8 hours, he wakes up and is bright eyed and ready to start his day. Michael or I can spend anywhere from 1-2 hours lulling Logan back to sleep. Last night he slept 10 hours straight!
Logan has all four of his molars, next up are the canines!
Looking forward to the Easter long weekend! Happy Easter to all.