Logan Destine

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pool Day

Today marked the first day Logan had a splash in his pool. It was a beautiful warm Saturday. The sun came out from the clouds long enough for Logan to have a great time.

Nothing like a cookie and a cool drink after all that splashing fun.

That sun, the swim and the running around Grandpop & Linda's garden may have been the reason for Logan falling asleep so effortlessly that evening, whew!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Victoria Day Long Weekend May 2008

First meal "Al Fresco" was Saturday, May 17, 2008. Good thing about the warm weather we were treated to, meant his scrambled eggs didn't go cold too quickly.

Mike cheered him on from the sidelines, "Mmm, good scrambled eggs!" Too obvious that he doesn't care for eggs himself???

Today also marked the first day in shorts for the season, yipee!
Our Handsome Little Devil indeed. Thanks for the cute shirts (and shorts) Darice. Logan insists on ridding his cousin ZoƩ's Hippo backwards.

Mother's Day 2008

I enjoyed a nice Mother's Day. The weather was beautiful so we made sure to get out and enjoy it. Logan was a big help with the dinner preperations. He still insists on being right there in the middle of the action pulling his chair up to the counter.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Logan's latest discovery is to push a kitchen chair up to the counter and climb up on the chair. We used to be able to put anything we didn't want him to get his hands on, on the counter top. Now we have to be careful of knives and peelers waiting to get washed. And boy, does he protest when you try to get him down off the chair!
I'm trying to offer Logan 10 mins a day of colouring. He doesn't seem too interested but up until now he hasn't done it very often. Each time he colours, he scribbles a little more. He scribbles endlessly on a Magna Doodle we were recommended to buy.

I'm sure it won't be long before he produces some beautiful masterpieces. We have plenty of fridge space just waiting.