Logan Destine

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yeah! The BC fruit is here!!!

Gotta love those Okanagan cherries and Strawberries. Yummy!
Hey, who taught him to drink the leftover milk from his bowl! Dad swears it wasn't him. I know it wasn't me......was it Nana?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Logan's first haircut

We didn't plan it but....Logan had his first haircut today. We went to Lonsdale Quay to check out the Tall Ship moored at the new dock in N. Vancouver. We knew we needed to get Logan's hair cut soon. We went to the children's hair salon in Lonsdale Quay to get advice on how we can tell if he's ready to sit still long enough to be able to co-operate. How to find out how he'd react to someone coming at him with a comb & scissors (I still need to wait until he's asleep to clip his finger & toe nails.).

As we were talking to the stylist a Mom and her son came in to get his hair cut. We thought it would be great to have Logan watch this other little boy get his hair cut. Perhaps it worked! He was watching intently.

Logan picked the Blue speed boat to sit in. The little boy before Logan had picked the pink corvette......

Logan did amazingly well. I'm sure if someone was videotaping Mike and I, they would have gotten a laugh. I had come prepared just in case with his favourite books and a few toys. We sang and played his favourite hand game.

He got squirmy towards the end and the stylist was very good about continuing to cut as Logan was moving etc. We should have declined the clippers at the end as the noise bugged Logan. He scrinched his neck and he got nicked with the clippers. Poor bumble-bee! Mike felt he needed to announce, "He's bleeding!" If Logan was old enough to know what that meant, I'm sure there would have been more tears. Silly Daddy!

We got some of his curls laminated for his keepsake book courtesy of the salon.

He looks so different now. A proper little boy! Awwww

Mmmmm Watermelon!

Logan was very happy to have his own piece of watermelon to bite into. I don't think he knew how to deal with the watermelon he got up his nose.