Logan Destine

Friday, August 22, 2008

First trip to the PNE

We all went to the PNE today. Michael has Friday's off. We thought that the PNE wouldn't be crazy busy until after the dinner hour. All the PNE parking lots were FULL! I thought, "Oh, great. This is an clear indication of how many people are already there!".

Honestly, we didn't have any unrealistic expectations of the day as it was Logan's first experience. The PNE is really noisy when you pay close attention. Music blaring, people shouting, rides making their noises. I know I sound really old, but I think it was overstimulating for little Logan.

Logan's first ride was 4 minutes in a huge bouncy castle. He had the whole place to himself. He didn't like his time expiring and him having to leave. Oh the tears!
The second ride was a hit! A ride in a mini train with Dad! They are in the 3rd seat from the engine. Again, tears leaving the train!
Finally, a ride on the carousel. Yes....more tears when the ride was done!

We had a snack and then dinner. Logan liked Mom's perogies from Hunky Bills (Laura's annual meal at the PNE). We headed home after dinner. All in all, 2.5 hours spent at the PNE.

We'll try again next year!


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