Logan Destine

Friday, November 28, 2008

Brunch Anyone?

Logan has mastered the babyproofing on the pots & pans drawer. When he was first walking and getting into cupboards, he was more interested on banging the pots & lids. Now, he likes to pull the pots out and put the lids on and take them off. He'll move them one by one from one location to another location (like the living room or on Mommy & Daddy's bed). There's nothing like bouncing on a bed with pots & pans on it. "No Bouncing!"
When asked what he was doing?, "Cooking!" he replied.
"What are you cooking?" I asked?
"Eggies." Logan said.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Logan's first experience with Spagetti. We have offered Logan Spagetti in the past and he was not interested. Lately, whatever anyone else is eating, Logan would like some. Tonight, it was Spagetti.

I tried to show him how to slurp up one noodle but he didn't get it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Logan's buddy, Seth

What a great Saturday afternoon. Seth, Deanne & Rob came over for a visit. It was neat to see that neither boys had any shyness towards the other.

With the adults enjoying some snacks & drinks, the boys got some snacks too. Logan with a newly acquired taste to raisins and Seth with the always popular, little cheese crackers. The cute part was that both boys wanted to eat their snacks in Logan's house ----> cardboard box.

Friday, November 14, 2008

New haircut and slippers?

Logan had his second haircut last weekend. His first haircut was a complete success. This time was a complete disaster! He cried from the moment the stylist spritzed him with water to the final snip. It was a Saturday afternoon, so the place was full of other kiddies getting or waiting to get their hair cut.
I am already not looking forward to the next haircut. We can definately hold off until the spring, right?!?
Logan is styling in my pink fluffy slippers!