Logan Destine

Monday, February 02, 2009

January 2009

Enjoying a sunny stroll on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

Logan and Seth decided it was time to see what all the fuss was about at "Go Bananas". An indoor, padded play area for little kiddies. With lots of tunnels and things to climb, and don't forget slides!

...... More Cars!

Christmas 2008

We have been very delinquent in regards to this blog.

Enjoy the photos!

Logan modeling a Christmas gift. Thank-you Mamere & Papere.

Logan received a Kitty piano for Christmas. It has many interesting features including a button to select various settings. Like banjo, organ, piano or meow! When meow is selected, each note makes the sound of a "meow". Logan's Nana (who has the same piano) has already asked how we can go about disabling the "meow" button.

Logan was a big winner in the car dept. this Christmas time. Wooden cars, Hot Wheels and Tonka galore!