Logan Destine

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ta - dah!

Nothing like a little peer pressure to ignite the flame.

Logan has had his run-bike for almost a year. He didn't show much interest in it no matter how fun we tried to make it.

We enjoyed a beautiful Saturday morning with Logan's buddy, Seth, and his parents at a local elementary school playground. Seth mastered his bike right away and Logan got to see him in action. We were hoping for Logan to be inspired so we had brought his bike just incase......

He asked for his bike and got on it without any coaxing.

Almost immediately, he made his way to the craggy logs and big boulders.

Off the edge?

This scene made my Mommy heart stop for a moment. With Mike's prompting, Logan let go of the bike and it went screaming down the slide with a giggling Logan following behind it.
Where did this little daredevil come from. My family knows that it doesn't come from his Mommy's side (self confessed chicken)!


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