Logan Destine

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Logan was a great help decorating our "Charlie Brown" style tree. He was great because he found a red christmas ball to place on a branch, then take it off, walk around looking at it (and his reflection). Then coming back to the tree and finding a different branch and repeat. Mike and I were able to get the rest of the tree decorated in no time.
We didn't bring presents under the tree right away as we were not sure if they would be left alone until Christmas Day. Slowly, a present, then two were placed under the tree. He didn't show any interest in unwrapping them so we brought out the rest.

The evening of Christmas Eve was spent at Nana's house. Presents were opened there.
Christmas morning was spent at home opening stockings and our presents in our PJ's. Around noon we made our way out to Chilliwack to spend the rest of the day with Mike's family.
Logan slept until 9am on Boxing Day! We were all invited to brunch at Grandpop & Linda's place. More presents were unwrapped.
Logan received a "Barrel of Monkeys" from my Aunt & Uncle and if there were audio along with this picture, you would here, "ee, oo, ah ah".


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