Logan Destine

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yeah, Spring is here!

With Spring finally here, we took advantage of the beautiful sunny weather. Logan's top pick of playgrounds happens to be the playground at Norgate Elementary School next to his daycare. We were clever to bring Logan's rainpants to the park as the slides were still wet from the rainfall during the night.
Logan played peek-a-boo.
Logan's second favourite park is what he calls "The Sand Park". This park has it's own toys that the kids get to play with while they are playing. The toys stay at the park.
Logan and I went for a nice long walk at Maplewood Flats Wildlife Sanctuary. The tide was out and Logan was happy to explore. The sand was very mucky. Logan's boots nearly got stuck. I was wearing sneakers and they sure got dirty from all the mucky beach. The birds were plentyful and sang beautiful songs.

Logan & I went on many outing this Saturday and Sunday while Michael had a project to complete at work.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Snow & Superheros

We woke up on Sunday, February 27th to a winter wonderland. We had heard that the temperature would rise in the afternoon bringing rain, so we suited up and got outside to play at 9am.

We took turns sliding down the small hill in the local Elementary School's playground.

Michael got to work building a huge 7 foot snowman on the patch of grass outside our front door. Laura started shoveling the pathways and Logan helped shoveling as well.
We all went in for hot chocolate and some lunch. Good timing as the rain started to fall in the early afternoon.
Our neighbours enjoyed walking pass "Frosty" as they made their way to their cars. Each morning we'd peek out of Logan's bedroom window to see how much the snowman had melted. A week after his construction, he was a little pile of snow on a patch of green grass.

Logan was invited to his first "bowling" birthday party. It was a "Super hero" theme and everyone was encouraged to bring their cape. Well, Logan didn't have a cape. Logan's Nana came to the rescue and made Logan a fantastic cape.
Logan had a wonderful time at the bowling lanes. He had two strikes!