Logan Destine

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Logan's Graduation Ceremony from Daycare

Logan and his friends waited nicely while each child was called forward to receive their diploma.
Amita, the daycare supervisor, handed out the diplomas.

Logan, Kristen and Will waited for the cue to throw their hats into the air.

Logan and his worker Amanda enjoyed cake and fruit after the ceremony.

Nana, Laura and Michael were very proud of Logan. Well done!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day Car Wash at Daycare

Front Left to Right: Marko, Logan, Joe, Arianna, Hannah, India.
Back Left to Right: Sammy and Claire
All the kids patiently waited while Michael pulled his car into the playground area for his Father's Day Car Wash.

Logan and his friends did a great job working together to get the car sparkling clean.

What team work! Surprisingly no water fights!

Great job kids! Michael made sure to give all the kids a tip for a job well done! Everyone enjoyed their Chocolate Loonie.

Happy 4th Father's Day!

Sunny Sunday

While watching the West Vancouver Parade, we were handed a Pumpkin plant seedling. Grandpop gave us some of his rich garden soil to plant our seedling. Our pumpkin plant is flourishing in its pot outside our front door. Maybe we'll have our very own Pumpking to carve for Halloween.

Logan sure loves his new bike. He is always asking to go for a "race" with Michael. Michael will ride his skateboard trying to catch up to Logan.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Logan's new bike

We bought Logan a new bike in his favourite colour, blue. Logan was so excited that he asked to go for a bike ride right away!

Michael taught Logan how to brake. He has no problem braking on the flat bits, he seems to forget to brake on the hilly bits. We are not too far behind to help.

On one of our warm weekends, India, our neighbour downstairs, invited Logan to go running through the sprinkler.

The screeches of glee were most likely heard through the whole complex.

We ventured for a bike ride in our neighbourhood, to the park and along our section of the newly paved Spirit Trail.