Logan Destine

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Birthdays in July

Michael's Mom, Yvette's B-day is July 3rd. Michael's B-day is July 4th. My B-day is July 7th. Nadine's B-day is July 10th.
We all met at Bear Creek Park on Saturday, July 9th to wish each other a Happy Birthday in person.
Yvette bought the boys ice creams. Thanks Memere!

Nice green tongue, Logan!

Here's how 38 looks! Happy Birthday Michael & Me!!!

Friday, July 01, 2011

Happy Canada Day 2011

Although it was a bit windy and overcast, we watched the annual Canada Day Parade in North Vancouver.

Sheer luck had Logan's friend from daycare, Will, show up to sit right next to us.

Seymour River Demonstration Forest

Logan loves riding his bike. On a beautiful Saturday, we took Logan to the Seymour Demonstration Forest. We went 2.5 kms in and 2.5 kms back. Logan and Mike raced and I power walked.

There were lots of people on the trail. What fun we had.