Logan Destine

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saratoga Beach Sand Fort

Continuing the tradition....

As a girl, Laura and her family would spend family summer holidays at Parksville, BC (just North of Naniamo). We would vacation with good family friends', the Gleaves. Each year, a sand fort would be built. We would stand on it as the tide came in. Good times!

Grandpop loaned us his garden spade for the occasion. Logan was great at stomping down the sand as it was thrown on the fort.

We sure got lots of great comments as people walked by.

Ta -dah! The tide started coming in. The construction withheld the onslaught of the relentless tide....

Our fort became an island, completely surrounded.

We went to examine the ruins of our sand fort.

It put up a good fight!


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