Logan Destine

Friday, December 30, 2011

Santa and Logan

Saturday, December 03, 2011

 We had a wonderful evening visiting the North Pole, BC on Friday, December 2nd.  Logan and his cousins were treated by Michael's mother, Yvette, to this magical evening.  Logan loved it.  He met Santa.  He got to tell Santa what he would like for Christmas (a new bike).
 Logan got to stuff his own polar teddy to take home with him.
 They had a special mail box to mail Logan's letter to Santa.
We couldn't leave without making a personalized Gingerbread Man.  Yummy.

Thanks Memere!

Unfortunately due to the BC Teacher's Federation  strike action, we will not receive any report cards.  Logan's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Boutin, sent a personalized letter home.  We are very proud of how Logan is doing at school.  He is always happy to go to school and often talks about the interesting things he learns at school.