Logan Destine

Saturday, June 16, 2012

May pictures

 Norgate School had their Fun Day on May 18th.  Students were encouraged to decorate their bikes for a Bike Parade to start off Fun Day!
 All the students in Logan's school performed in a school concert titled "School House Rock".
Each class had their own number.  The Kindergarten students had help from their Grade 7 buddies.  Logan's buddy is Jason.
 The Kindergarten class and the Grade 1 class went on a field trip to Vancouver Aquarium on May 30th.  Michael was able to get the day off to be a volunteer parent.
The students got a "behind the scenes" tour of the aquarium.  Logan is  holding a sea urchin (he doesn't get that from me!).
Each student got to try on a real  Sea Turtle's shell on their backs.  Logan's comment was that it was very heavy!