Logan Destine

Thursday, December 26, 2013

More Christmas 2013

 Logan was very excited to recieve a Mousetrap Game.
I remember this game from my childhood.
Two out of Three Canucks Fans got Hockey Jerseys for Christmas this year.
Santa brought Logan a desperately needed new bike.
Really, Logan is happy,
he was giving us a forced smile that looked like he was in pain.
The resulting picture is him being tired of standing for a photo.
He took to his new bike like a duck to water.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas with Nana

 Due to commitments with her Church on December 24th,
we had our family dinner and gift exchange with Nana 
on Sunday, December 22nd.
 A rare family picture!
While waiting for dinner we played Dominos
After dinner, gifts were exchanged and opened.


Santa visit 2013