Logan Destine

Thursday, March 27, 2014

San Diego Pictures March 2014

 Logan passing time on our flight to San Diego.
 The Kids Suite in this hotel provides Bunk Beds.
Logan was very excited.
 After our day at Legoland we stopped in at Oceanside, CA.
It has the longest pier on the Pacific Coast.
 Still at Oceanside, Logan enjoyed watching the surfers surfing
right next to the pier.  We walked out the pier and got to look down and watch them.
After our day at the Zoo, we drove out to the coast to La Jolla, CA.
This was a very ritzy seaside destination.  
They have roped off this beach/cove for the seals

Legoland March 18, 2014

 Logan has been bursting with anticipation about our visit to
 First ride, rollercoaster.
 Logan loves the Log ride at the PNE,
so he had to ride Legoland's Log ride.
 This pirate ship ride was fun as the people on the boat can shoot
their water cannons at the crowds lining up or watching.  
The audience has water cannons on their side of the fence to shoot back.
Poor Logan's cannon was out-of-order. 
He used Mike as a human shield.

 We were amazed at the many Lego statues around the park.
 A Lego chimp hanging from a real tree.
 Logan the Lion

 Logan was thrilled to drive a Lego car.
He had to get a Legoland licence and is very proud of it.
He put it in his wallet.
 Mike was super excited about the Star Wars displays.

Mike was transported to his childhood as Legoland has scene displays
from all the Star Wars Movies.  There was the classic Hoth scene.
The shield generator on Endor and not to mention the classic Mos eisley spaceport.

Sea World March 19, 2014

 It was such a beautiful sunny day. 
 I cannot say how nice it was to walk around in T-shirts and no coats.
Mike & I were impressed how manicured & clean the grounds of these parks were.

 This photo wasn't planned.  Logan happened to pose this way.

 We came around a corner after hearing all this honking to find
that the Caribbean Flamingos were going for a walk.

 Mike & I were amazed at Logan's "No Fear" when it came to rides.
 Two back to back rides where Logan & Mike got soaked...

Thankfully there were human dryers.
Waiting for the Dolphin Show. 
 We managed to avoid sitting in the "Soak Zone".

San Diego Zoo March 20, 2014

The Zoo was the last stop of our San Diego Adventure.
Unfortunately, Logan wasn't too excited as there were no rides!