Logan Destine

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Spring Time 2014

 Logan was looking forward to Easter this year.
He had written a letter to the Easter Bunny asking for the egg hunt
to be more challenging.  The Bunny didn't disappoint!
A hearty breakfast of Easter Pancakes were enjoyed after the hunt.
 Logan was lucky enough to enjoy a second egg hunt at Nana's house.
 An unusually warm early May warranted a bike ride to our
neighbourhood Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Shop.
We all went for a walk at Maplewood Flats late
morning on Mother's Day.  We counted 5 bird sightings
and 5 butterfly sightings.
Logan always looks forward to "Fun Day" (Sports Day) at 
school.  Michael and Logan decorated Logan's bike
for the Bike Parade to kick off Fun Day!
Logan's school were lucky with the weather this year, sunshine!


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