Logan Destine

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Easter 2015

 Hunting for Easter eggs in the dry sunny weather
is a nice change.
 Logan looking very handsome & smart.
His first tie!
 Destine family photo.
 Logan and Nana.
The Easter Bunny left eggs for Logan
at Nana's place too!
Nana's new place is coming together as her new furniture is arriving.
Probably the last holiday dinner on her temporary dining table.
A lovely afternoon playing games on the patio,
a delicious meal and more games after dinner.

Hope everyone enjoyed a lovely Easter!

Friday, April 03, 2015

School project

Logan just completed a major school project.
His class picked a book of a province or territory of Canada without looking.
Logan was very happy that he picked Quebec.
He was so excited to tell his Nana all the interesting facts he learned about "La belle provence".
He was very proud to show her his project!

Spring Break 2015 - Disneyland/California Adventure Park

 We flew directly from Vancouver to LA.  We were shuttled to the main airport.
We were able to see lots of the hustle and bustle of the airport from the bus windows.
 The shuttle to our hotel, which was right across the street from Disneyland
took 45 mins.  Logan had a nice rest.
 Our hotel, The Castle Inn, has a medieval theme.
Day 1

 Some of the rides changed very little from what I remember
when I was a kid.
 Logan got a chance to meet Mickey Mouse.
He is really cool!
 There were so many funny hats to try.
Logan chose Olaf from the movie, Frozen!
Need I say more?

Day 2
California Adventure Park
Cars Land was truly amazing.
Life size set of the movie, Cars!
Being at Disneyland during Spring Break meant waiting in lines.
Logan met a boy in one line named Jordan.  He lives 3 hours away from
Disneyland.  They had lots in common and kept each other entertained the whole time.
We rode the Cars ride three times.
Disneyland and California Adventure Park are beautiful
at night.  These park grounds were pristine.
As we were leaving Disneyland one evening we happened upon
a group of people lined up to meet Goofy.
We got a family photo with him.
Both Michael and I had an opportunity to go on this ride with Logan.
He drove along the course.  The cars were guided by a raised rail but
they had control of driving.  We hope in another 8 years he will be a better driver!!!
We all had a lovely time visiting Disneyland and California Adventure Park.
The weather was perfect!
What a way to spend one week of Spring Break!