Logan Destine

Monday, May 04, 2015

Outdoor School May 2015

 On April 29th, Logan and his Grade 3 class boarded a Coach bus and headed 45 mins. north to Outdoor School.  Located in the Paradise Valley just north of Squamish.
Grade 3's spend 3 days and 2 nights at Outdoor School.
Logan and 7 of his boy classmates stayed in Cabin 2 with one male highschool counsellor.
 Logan took a disposable film camera and took some photos.
Here are three of the counsellors, Flint, Mr.Bean and Sunny.
Logan's counsellor was Mr.Bean.
 Breakfast, Lunch, snacks & Dinner were eaten in the ELC cafeteria.
Professional chefs prepared kid friendly meals.  We heard the food was yummy!
 The kids participated in chores.  Feeding the chickens, goats & pigs.  
Helping at mealtimes either helping bring out the food or cleaning up afterwards.
 For the Open House, families were invited to enjoy the canoes. 
The Grade 3's have to wait until Grade 6 to take part in canoeing or archery.
There are 4 adult pigs and 4 piglets at outdoor school.
The male pig, Capitol, is extremely large.  

We were happy to go to Outdoor School's Open House.
Logan loved showing us his cabin and all the interesting parts he enjoyed.

The photos are a combination of Logan's pictures and my photos taken at the Open House.

April Bike Ride

 Across from the Vancouver Airport, Logan & I went for a bike ride along the Richmond Dyke.
We started at the Olympic Skating Oval from the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.
The path was very easy.  Float planes were landing & taking off along the river
we were riding along.  The sun was shining and there was a nippy wind being close to the water.
The North Shore Mountains are in the distance.