Logan Destine

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Early Summer 2015

 Norgate School Annual Fun Day!
Bike & Helmut decorated for Bike Parade.
 Each Grade got to challenge another grade for Tug 'o War.
Logan's Grade 3's vs. Grade 4's.
Grade 3's Won!
 Mmmm  Enjoying dinner outside during 
BC's heat wave!
 Mike asked for and got tickets for the
Marvel Universe Live show for
Father's Day.
 How cool does Logan think it is that his Dad
works for the company that makes one of his 
favourite games, "Plants vs. Zombie's"
 Logan got to spend time at Mom's work one weekend.
Logan grinds his teeth and Mom noticed some wear on his lower
molar teeth.  Lickity split, we had a Night Guard made to protect his teeth!
 We headed out to play a game of mini golf in Surrey.
 Lucky boys won a free game by scoring a hole-in-one!
White Rock Beach was so busy!
We were lucky to have found parking.
The tide was really far out!.


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