Logan Destine

Monday, September 25, 2006

Out for a stroll

Laura and I decided to take Logan out for a nice little walk in his new stroller this weekend. We walked all to the grocery store and did a wee bit of shopping. Logan did very well in his stroller, no crying or fussing. I think when I am at home for the month of October, we will be doing a lot more walking (weather depending).

Monday, September 18, 2006

Stretching out

This is Logan today just stretching out in his nice new outfit that Nana bought him. This picture might give you some idea as to how big he is getting.

Sleep time

Well after the car ride, and then the feeding FRENZY! We put the little one down for doe doe's (nap time in case you didn’t know). And this is right about the time when the phone rang and I was told I was late for my shift at work. A minor misunderstanding. So I had to rush into work and was there until 10:30pm. I had to get to bed quickly to be back at work for my 6 am shift. That’s why I didn’t get a chance to post anything until now.

WOW can this boy EAT!

After the car ride it was time to feed the little man. It was daddy’s turn to feed him. I knew this boy could drink, but I didn’t know he could drink this much!

We made it safe and sound with the car ride home

Am I a Proud and Happy Dad or what? He did so well in the car. He didn’t cry or complain that Mommy was riding the clutch. I got to watch his chubby little cheeks bounce and shake as Laura drove us home.

Here is a close up of the Hat

He is Bad to the Bone!

We just had to have a photo in front of the mural which was in the nursery at Lions Gate hospital. I wanted to have one Photo of him wearing his Skull cap hat that we received as a gift. So we killed 2 birds with one stone.

Can I go Home Yet?

Well here we are, it is September 17th and Logan is getting ready to finally come home with his Mom and Dad. We have had a rather amazing journey to get to this point, and Logan has done nothing but amaze everyone with his strong and steady development. Just look at the how calm and relaxed he is waiting for all of the tests and paperwork to be done before we get him into the car.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bath Time

Well this was the second time I've bathed Logan. I am still a bit nervous doing so, but it is neat to see Logan enjoying the water. He squirms around so much as I was washing his head , but once his body is in the water he really calms down. I don’t know if you've noticed, but Logan is now wireless! Yes that’s right, you can get free internet connection from our son.
HA HA HA HA just kidding, it is not that kind of wireless. The doctor and the nurses said that Logan is doing so well that they took him off the monitors. So than means there is no more heart, respiratory and Oxygen saturation monitors on our little boy.

Friday, September 08, 2006

He had his first Look!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Guess what!

Yup that’s right little man, you are now 3 weeks old and you weigh 5 pounds! You have come a long way and it will not be to long until you are home with your Mommy and Daddy.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Action Shots

He Got Me!

Well he got me finally. After a week of changing Logan and taking over to the scale for his naked weight, he never peed on me until last night. Yeah the nurse asked if I could hold him a bit longer while she got his bed all made, and then POW! He cried a bit and then I looked down at my shirt, and well I finally got christened by my son. Well we had to wait until we got home to take the picture, but you can see he got me good, Laura was so happy that she wasn’t the only one now to have gotten peed on my Logan.

So little

Well Logan is doing great these days, he is steadily putting on 40 to 50 grams a night. The nurses and Doctor tell us that he is doing so well, that they have him on the very bottom of their list. He is still the smallest baby in the nursery, but that will change soon.