Logan Destine

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What a haul!

I got a free trick-or-treat bag from Tim Horton’s and decided to use it, BUT ONLY so cars would see Logan and myself out on the streets. I couldn’t help it if people kept stuffing candy in it. So I guess Mommy and Daddy will have to eat it all

The happy little COW-BOY

Well everyone who knew me asked me the same question “What are you dressing Logan up for Halloween?” If I had my way I would have him dressed up in a Wolverine or Spiderman costume. But trying to find anything that would fit him was a bit of a challenge, so I had to grab the first costume that I thought would fit him. I found this little Cow costume one day when I was out shopping. So as I was vacuuming one day I thought about what my answer would be when someone asked me what Logan was going as for Halloween. My answer “He is a COW-BOY” and one of the cutest little Cow-Boys in the world sucking away on his pacifier. Once we had him all dressed up it was time to go out Trick-or-Treating with Daddy.

Halloween Pumpkins

Well Halloween has finally come and gone! What a crazy and wonderful year this was for us. I started out having the decorations up 2 weeks before Halloween but left the pumpkin carving to the last day (Last minute). So needless to say I didn’t get to do all of the carvings I wanted to do this year. But here are the one I did manage to get done in time for all of the trick-or-treaters.

Friday, October 27, 2006

What a tough life

Week Three

We nearly forgot to take Logan's weekly picture! A Hallowe'en touch for Dad. This week: On Monday Logan had a visit with a Infant Developmental Consultant (being born premature, it's automatic). On Tuesday, Logan visited Dad's work in Burnaby. Logan visited Meme's work on Wednesday. Logan did some errands with Mom on Thursday. Finally, Friday included Dad and Logan riding the Sea Bus to Dad's downtown office. What a busy week! No wonder I'm so tired.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Second week in October photo

Well as we said in last weeks post, we are going to be taking a weekly photo of Logan with his teddy bear to watch him grow. So this is the second weekly photo of him.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Boys !

Yesterday Logan’s 2 cousins came over for a visit with their new baby cousin. But trying to get a 9 week, an 8 month baby and a 3 year old toddler all to look at the camera at the same time was a lot harder then it sounds. I think this was as good as it was going to get for us.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Happy Birthday to me !

Today is October 13th 2006, (Friday the 13th). Today was the expected due date of Logan. It’s so amazing that Logan is already 9 weeks old, and already a great big part of our lives. So starting this week Laura and I are going to start taking a photo of Logan every week with his teddy bear here. We think this would be a great way to watch and see him grow for the first year. Laura’s sister Sonia had given us this idea when she did something similar with her daughter Zoé. I just loved looking at a different photo of Zoé for each week of her first year, at her birthday party. So we too will be starting a photo album of “Watching Logan Grow”

Monday, October 09, 2006

Bath time fun!

The other day while giving Logan a nice warm bath, Laura decided to take some nice yet tasteful pictures. Logan was very careful that mommy didn’t get any pictures of his little pee- pee. I guess he doesn’t want them coming back to haunt him when he brings any girlfriends home to meet his parents. He is such a good boy when he is having his bath, even when people are snapping pictures.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Grand Pop and Linda came for a visit.

On Sunday Grand Pop and Linda came over for a little visit. They each got a turn holding him and saying “Hello”. Of course he was looking his cutest as he entertained them both. I am sure we will have many more visits with them and more visitors very soon.

Pure Contentment

The peaceful quiet time after a meal is where you catch yourself just staring and watching. Convincing yourself that those facial expressions are in fact smiles rather than gas. Giggling at all those little noises.
This week Logan would have been one week away from full-term. His due date was lucky Friday, October 13th.

I love it when he snaps to attention

The other day as I was changing Logan I turned to see him stretching out. It looks as if he was standing at attention. It cracked me up so much I just had to get the camera and take a picture.