Logan Destine

Friday, December 29, 2006

Week 12

Christmas is over, now we're looking forward to ring in the New Year! 2007 will be filled with many firsts. Of course you can read all about those firsts right here!

Happy New Year everyone!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Day 2006

Logan's Christmas outfit was a Christmas present from Linda. His bib, however, was from Santa.
Mike squealed like a little girl when he opened his Star Wars gift.
Again, Logan behaved amazingly well for being in a different environment with different noises.
Mike and I were permitted to enjoy our Christmas dinner again undisturbed. Linda's son and his new bride cooked Christmas dinner. We enjoyed Turkey, roast potatoes and vegetables (grown in my Dad's garden, so tasty). I contributed one of the desserts, a Trifle. A traditional Christmas pudding with Rum sauce was the other dessert. Nothing like a little bit of Port to accompany your dessert. Thanks to Toby & Nicole and Dad & Linda!

Christmas Eve 2006

Mike bought Logan's Christmas outfit in early November.

Christmas Eve dinner was hosted by my Mom. We enjoyed Tourtiere (french canadian meat pie), Cornish Game Hens, vegetables, mashed potatoes and a lovely Chocolate, strawberry ice cream terrine dessert. Logan did really well while Mike & I ate dinner. Thanks Mom!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

We're pooped!

Dad on Duty! What an exhausting day! Since I was occupied in the kitchen making a Trifle for Christmas dinner, Mike thought he'd take Logan out. They headed to Capilano Mall! Personally, I would have avoided any mall like the plague. Apparently it wasn't too hectic. I think Mike enjoys all the attention Logan gets from the "Ladies".
I wish I could include some audio with this post because Mike is snoring like a lumberjack and Logan doesn't seem to be bothered. People who snore must not be bothered by others who snore. Or perhaps it's genetic. I obviously don't have the gene to ignore snoring (unfortunately for me).

Friday, December 22, 2006

Week 11

3 More sleeps untill Santa comes !
Mike went out and bought Logan some Christmas necessities. One of them is the bib he's wearing. Perhaps you'll see his "Christmas Outfit" in future blog postings.

Logan is still sleeping 8 hours per night. However, he's chosing to stay up until midnight and one in the morning before sleeping those cherished 8 hours. With all the bustle of the next couple of days, I'm sure he'll be wiped out come eight o'clock in the evening.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

WEEK 10 Photo Already!

WOW our little boy sure is growing fast.
Well we are still getting plenty of rest, as Logan is still sleeping straight though the night. He is more alert and active during the day. We are getting more and more smiles out of him now. As a matter of fact we got his first laugh on Tuesday Dec 12. It was Bath day, and Laura and Logan where in the bath together (Sorry no Pictures) and as we where washing his tummy, he let out a laugh. Now it was only two tiny little laughs that lasted for a brief second, however, we both heard it and our hearts filled with joy. We have been trying to get him to laugh again, with no luck.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Logan's first Christmas party

We were on our way to a pre-Christmas get together. I thought I'd better take a quick picture of my two handsome guys. Logan has worn socks before but never shoes. He's probably wondering what the heck are on his feet. The party was really nice ---> Thanks Laurie & Daryl.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Week 9

Logan had his 4 month check-up with the doctor today. He weighs in at 13 lbs, 10 oz. He's grown 3.5 cm in length and increased his noggin by 3 cm. Except for the immunizations, a good visit.

Logan is now on the right track with being more awake during the day and sleeping at night. Lucky Mommy & Daddy are getting 7-8 hours of sleep.....for how much longer, who knows.

We are being treated to lots of smiles every day.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Week 8

What a week! It seems that Logan is fighting the need to sleep. You know he's tired. His eyes are 1/2 closed. He's yawning non-stop. When you try to settle him to send him off to dreamland, watch out! Big cry and tears (the kind that break a mother's heart). Finally, once he's exhausted, sleep. Oh, but he's tricky. After 30 mins. of sleep, he's awake again! The culprit is usually one form of gas. Once again the task of trying to get our little man to sleep starts all over again. You cannot help but giggle when he's just about to drift off, he'll watch you with one eye half open. So cute....until the crying starts up again. Mommy needs sleep!!!!