Logan Destine

Friday, December 01, 2006

Week 8

What a week! It seems that Logan is fighting the need to sleep. You know he's tired. His eyes are 1/2 closed. He's yawning non-stop. When you try to settle him to send him off to dreamland, watch out! Big cry and tears (the kind that break a mother's heart). Finally, once he's exhausted, sleep. Oh, but he's tricky. After 30 mins. of sleep, he's awake again! The culprit is usually one form of gas. Once again the task of trying to get our little man to sleep starts all over again. You cannot help but giggle when he's just about to drift off, he'll watch you with one eye half open. So cute....until the crying starts up again. Mommy needs sleep!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi to you both.

Thanks again for keeping Logan's blogg up-to-date, it's so nice to see him grow, more awake and smiling. I keep forgetting that he was a premature baby, he certaintly doesn't look like it anymore. Thanks again and keep well.

10:51 AM  

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