Logan Destine

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Week 33

Teething continues this week. Progress in the crawling dept. is astounding. The knees are moving forward but mainly to do little hops then flop onto belly.
Logan has tasted water this week thanks to a sippy cup from Nana. I think he prefers to chew on the tip at the moment.
Logan's new food this week was Avacado. We got smiles with the first few tastes, then the funny faces and shivers started after each spoonful. I kept offering a spoonful expecting rejection any moment, but no. He kept coming back for more until he finished half an Avacado. Good boy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Logan, you know the way to your auntie Sonia's Heart...eating all your avacado for those wonderful omega 3's.

9:06 PM  

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