Logan Destine

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hypnotized by the Spin Cycle

For some reason, Logan comes crawling when he hears me loading clothes into the washer or dryer. Busy observing everything I am doing.
I carried on to the next thing I needed to do. When I passed by a minute later, there he is, sitting infront of the machine. It was like he was hypnotized by the Spin Cycle. Too cute!

Aboard Randy's Cruise Ship

We, along with a few of my friends, were invited for lunch aboard the Cruise Ship Randy is currently working on while it was at port in Vancouver. New passengers were boarding for their trip to Alaska.

Lunch was nice. Logan ate next to his buddy, Seth. It required lots of patients trying to manoeuver the stroller around while passengers were trying to get to their cabins with their luggage.

Before dissembarking, Logan wanted to brush-up on his poker. "Does anybody want to Double Down?"

Thanks for a nice afternoon Randy!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Teething troubles

As Logan's two upper front teeth continue to come in, he is biting everything in site! Time to bring out the teething biscuits. We have a selection to choose from (Thanks Grandpop). The common thread seems to be that they all turn into a huge mess! He does seem to enjoy gnawing on them which feels really good, I'm sure.

Birthday Boy

On August 13, 2007 we marked Logan's Birthday with 2 cupcakes. Logan seemed only interested in the icing. Then something made him unhappy. He soon calmed down. Happy 1st Birthday Logan!

On Saturday, August 18th we celebrated Logan's Birthday with family. It was a small affair but just right for his first party. It was a sunny afternoon but the rain did appear for a brief moment. There was veggies, fruit and chips to nibble on. For dessert there was cake. It was my first attempt at something creative. Four blocks seemed simple enough. It was icing them that was long and tricky. It all turned out OK, I think. We presented Logan with his very own cake block. He was able to bite into it, mush it between his fingers, or......just touch the icing, barely. I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Logan retired a little earlier for a bottle and a nap. Logan received plenty of interesting toys and clothes (including tons of socks). Thank you all!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Week 1 to 44

Week 1
Week 44 -- This marks the last weekly photo as Logan turns 1 on Monday, August 13th. Of course we will continue to post pictures on this blog. The project was to take a picture of Logan each week beside the same Teddy Bear to watch how he grew during his first year. We didn't manage to get 52 weeks as he was in the Special Care Nursery for the first 5 weeks of his life. We started on his actual due date (October 13, 2006). Boy, he sure has come far! Michael & I are very proud parents of Logan.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Week 43

We've had a good week. Last Sunday we drove out to visit Chris & Andrea in Surrey. The developmental specialist had a visit with Logan on Wednesday. She continues to be pleased with Logan's development. She always leaves us with plenty of things to work on. We have had plenty of sunshine which means lots of walks.

Logan had his first taste of Tofu this week. It was puréed with plums and applesauce. Even Michael & I had a taste out of curiousity. Quite nice. I was warned not to feed Logan too much Tofu as it contains estrogen.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

1st taste of Gelato