Logan Destine

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Birthday Boy

On August 13, 2007 we marked Logan's Birthday with 2 cupcakes. Logan seemed only interested in the icing. Then something made him unhappy. He soon calmed down. Happy 1st Birthday Logan!

On Saturday, August 18th we celebrated Logan's Birthday with family. It was a small affair but just right for his first party. It was a sunny afternoon but the rain did appear for a brief moment. There was veggies, fruit and chips to nibble on. For dessert there was cake. It was my first attempt at something creative. Four blocks seemed simple enough. It was icing them that was long and tricky. It all turned out OK, I think. We presented Logan with his very own cake block. He was able to bite into it, mush it between his fingers, or......just touch the icing, barely. I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Logan retired a little earlier for a bottle and a nap. Logan received plenty of interesting toys and clothes (including tons of socks). Thank you all!


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