Logan Destine

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007

Logan did very well with all the "business" of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. He received a lot of fantastic things. He is very lucky!
He wasn't too sure of Grandpop's Rudolf nose. But soon warmed up as Grandpop sang "Rudolf the red-nosed Reindeer".
Logan got dressed up for the occasion in a new Christmas outfit.

Nana cooked a nice Christmas Eve dinner on the 24th. Logan was lucky to open a few gifts at Nana's before returning home to get to bed before Santa came.

Logan slept until 7am on Christmas morning. Santa had been and left a beautiful stocking (handmade by Nana) filled with many goodies.

We all enjoyed a Christmas brunch at Grandpop & Linda's house. As we were preparing to make the drive out to Chilliwack to visit with Michael's family, it started to snow. I cannot remember how long it has been since we had a white Christmas. Thankfully the roads were fine and we travelled safely.

Christmas Dinner was a joint effort. Mamere, Aunt Nadine and Uncle Phil all pitched in to make a beautiful dinner. Thanks again for having us. Logan enjoyed seeing his cousins again.

Boxing Day was a quiet day at home with a nice walk in the neighbourhood in the afternoon. Have to take advantage of the sunshine while it lasts.

We hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy Logan

December found Michael returned to work after having the whole month of November off as holidays.
Now we are looking forward to the holidays. This year we will celebrate Christmas with Nana on December 24th. We will pop in to visit Grandpop & Linda the morning of Dec. 25th. We'll then make our way out to Chilliwack to visit with Michael's side of the family. Logan doesn't know what Christmas is all about. I believe he'll just be happy to hang out and chase around with his cousins on Christmas Day.
We wish all our friends and family a very Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Logan's first visit with Santa

We really didn't know what to expect when we took Logan to visit Santa. We thought our chances might be good as Logan doesn't shy away from people.
Logan didn't disappoint. He sat on Santa's knee with no problems. We couldn't get him to give us a big smile. Oh well, no tears at least!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Recent Photos of Logan

We took Logan out for an evening outing to the Hyatt Hotel downtown. They are hosting a Gingerbread contest.
On December first, we had our first significant snowfall. Logan got to explore snow for the first time when there was a break in the flurries. The snow resumed falling later that afternoon. I love the snow!
One morning Logan decided to get caught up on his fliers. With Christmas around the corner, he needs some ideas. Mommies & Daddies are difficult to buy for!
Logan enjoying a night time outing with Dad. Mom won't comment on the missing mittens as the hat is present, hmmm.
Michael has enjoyed the month off from work to spend with Logan. I believe Michael is looking forward to return to work on Monday.