Logan Destine

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Logan's first Band-aid.

As most of you may have heard, Logan had a "run-in" with a new vegetable peeler on Sunday, Jan. 20th.

Mike was working on that Sunday and I was doing our dinner dishes when I heard a funny sound come from Logan as he was rummaging through one of our kitchen drawers. I look over and he's got blood all over his hand. I race him to the bathroom and hold his finger under running cold water. I grabbed a wad of tissue and put pressure to stop the bleeding. Logan wasn't very impressed that I was pinching the tip of his finger and was crying. I thought to myself, "What do I do? When I let go, it bleeds like crazy. I cannot let go to get a band-aid!" I needed another pair of hands. I often wish for an extra hand sometimes at work when I'm wrestling a wire in some poor kids braces.....

It occured to me to run downstairs with Logan and see if our neighbours where home. Thank goodness they were and were happy to help. The husband is a paramedic and the wife an emergency room nurse. They are parents to a 1 year old, India (she was at Logan's party).

I don't know what I would have done without their help. Thanks Mike, Dawn and India. What great neighbours to have!

Thankfully Logan is a quick healer because he pulled off his band-aids twice in two days. You can see the bandaged finger in the picture.


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