Logan Destine

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Maplewood Farm in the Spring

Today was Logan's first trip to Maplewood farm. I (Laura) was probably not much older than Logan when I first visited Maplewood Farm myself.

We let Logan run around in the open pen with the goats and some baby sheep. As it was one of the first warm & sunny days in Vancouver, the farm was wall-to-wall children. Logan seemed content running around and looking at all the other kids (not baby goats).
He did manage to stop to pet a goat in the end. The goats in this pen are the most patient/tolerant creatures in the world.

We had a terrific time enjoying the sunshine and looking at all the animals. Even the HUGE, grumpy male Turkey. We'll definately return again and again to the farm.

I did bring a change of clothes for Logan incase he wanted to follow in his Aunt Sonia's footsteps and take a splash in the duck pond.....splash! No swimming for Logan today, thank goodness.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Double fisting at such an early age! He must have picked this up from his Dad, tsk-tsk!
We've successfully replaced both Logan's daytime bottles with a "Sippy Cup". Mamere bought a very special sippy cup that we use as his "milk cup". We had to remove the base of the cup that made the cup "Moo, Baa & Oink".

"Lights On!"........."Lights Off!"

Michael called me to the kitchen the other night to see that Logan had carried his step from his room, placed it on the floor and switched the light switch on & off!

How long will it be before he uses the same thought process for the cookie cupboard?

We cannot walk past a playground anymore without Logan insisting that we stop and let him have a "Go" on the swings.