Logan Destine

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Maplewood Farm in the Spring

Today was Logan's first trip to Maplewood farm. I (Laura) was probably not much older than Logan when I first visited Maplewood Farm myself.

We let Logan run around in the open pen with the goats and some baby sheep. As it was one of the first warm & sunny days in Vancouver, the farm was wall-to-wall children. Logan seemed content running around and looking at all the other kids (not baby goats).
He did manage to stop to pet a goat in the end. The goats in this pen are the most patient/tolerant creatures in the world.

We had a terrific time enjoying the sunshine and looking at all the animals. Even the HUGE, grumpy male Turkey. We'll definately return again and again to the farm.

I did bring a change of clothes for Logan incase he wanted to follow in his Aunt Sonia's footsteps and take a splash in the duck pond.....splash! No swimming for Logan today, thank goodness.


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