Logan Destine

Sunday, September 26, 2010

3rd Annual Autism Walk

This was our first Autism Walk. It was however, the 3rd Annual Autism Walk. It started at Nat Bailey Stadium in Vancouver.
At 4:00am I was woken by a downpour of torrential rain. I thought, "Oh great!". By the time the festivities started, the rain had stopped.

Here we are exiting the Stadium for the 3km walk around the neighbourhood of Nat Bailey Stadium.

We walked with the team from Monarch House. The guy in the middle is Victor. He works with Logan on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
There were a few other families there too.

We dressed for the rain. Gladly, we walked under dry skies.

A well deserved slide down the HUGE inflatable bouncy slide once we returned to Nat Bailey Stadium.
There were lots of booths set-up in the outfield of the Stadium.

Logan wasn't too sure about posing with "Leo" the BC Lions mascot.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our Day at Meadows Maze in Pitt Meadows, BC

My co-worker suggested Mike & I take Logan out to Meadows Maze in Pitt Meadows. There was certainly lots to do. We had a good time, Logan had a great time!
The corn maze was designed on computer and planted using GPS. The picture is to commemorate PNE's 100 year anniversary. The corn field for the maze was animal grade corn, so I didn't bother trying to reach out and grab an ear or two.

Getting ready for the Haywagon Ride.

One of many rides down the Tube Slide.

More fun was had jumping into a pile of Hay.
20 years ago all this Hay would have set my allergies into a frenzy. Thank goodness, no sneezing today.

Another turn on the Maze Train before we headed home.
What a great adventure!

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Heading into Fall....

The waters are not safe....

Beware of "Shark Logan".

Logan happens to pretend to be a shark and eat people for a while now. When Michael found that Old Navy was going to have a "Shark" costume this year, we had to have one.
Bought as soon as they hit the store, we're set. Michael suggested Logan try it on. He loves running around the house telling us to, "Run away. I'm going to eat you!"

Logan was happy to help me make cookies from scratch today. He helped stir and place the spoonfuls onto the cookie sheet.
That evening for dessert, we had cookies. When Logan reached for cookie number 3, I said, "last one!". He looked at me, then to the container filled with our fresh baked cookies and said, "No, there are lots more!" Michael and I giggled.