Logan Destine

Saturday, August 20, 2011

August 13, 2011 Happy 5th Birthday Logan!

Today is Logan's 5th Birthday.
Today we started our family holiday to Saratoga Beach, BC (on Vancouver Island between Comox and Campbell River).

Thanks for the use of your van Grandpop!

Leaving Horseshoe Bay on BC Ferries.
Logan's first ferry ride.

Once unpacked and settled, Logan got to open his Birthday presents!

Yummy Lemon Birthday cake!

Saratoga Beach

Logan snug as a bug in a Birthday sleeping bag.

Perfect kite flying weather.

Great exploring along the rocky part of the beach. Little crabs, fish and lots of seaweed.

Saratoga Beach Sand Fort

Continuing the tradition....

As a girl, Laura and her family would spend family summer holidays at Parksville, BC (just North of Naniamo). We would vacation with good family friends', the Gleaves. Each year, a sand fort would be built. We would stand on it as the tide came in. Good times!

Grandpop loaned us his garden spade for the occasion. Logan was great at stomping down the sand as it was thrown on the fort.

We sure got lots of great comments as people walked by.

Ta -dah! The tide started coming in. The construction withheld the onslaught of the relentless tide....

Our fort became an island, completely surrounded.

We went to examine the ruins of our sand fort.

It put up a good fight!

Saratoga Beach, Vancouver Island

Our cabin #4 at Saratoga Beach at the Silver Sands Cottages.

So much fun on the sandy beach at Saratoga Beach.

Logan & Michael playing frisbee in the water.
Logan had lots of fun playing in the water, no rocks, just sand.

Logan had fun chasing Mommy with a huge piece of seaweed.

Bye bye Saratoga Beach. We had lots of fun!

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Summertime in Grandpop & Linda's Garden

We are finally are being treated to some summer-like weather.
Grandpop sure apprectiates Logan's help watering all the thirsty plants & flowers.

Grandpop is happy to help refill "Fred's" watering can after it had been emptied.

Ahh, summertime in Vancouver!

Our Day at Maan Farm in Abbotsford

What a huge and steep slide. Logan loved it! Michael even gave it a go.

A real tractor as part of the play structure. Cool!

Unfortunately most of the toys for playing were busted. Logan was not detered.

After Michael pushed Logan around for a while IN THE SAND, a boy asked Michael if he could push him around too!

This tractor ride took Michael, Logan and a few other kids around the blueberry and pumpkin fields.

We had a lovely day with Memere. Thanks for everything, including the Ice Cream at the end!

It was sure great to see Memere even if she was missing a tooth!!! hee-hee