Logan Destine

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 2012

 I really love living in the area where I grew up.  I can take Logan & Mike to Parks and places I went to growing up.  Through the summer, Logan is attending a summer camp.  They do lots of field trips to park, beaches and even the Zoo.  Logan & I get to spend our Fridays together, so I try to plan something for the both of us.  We went to a park that I went to as a child for a picnic lunch.  Logan is sitting on a tree stump in Princess Park in N.Van that I sat on as a child and pretended it was a horse.  In fact there is probably the exact picture of me sitting on the same stump.  Ah, memories!
Our July started off to a rainy start.  One  weekend we did a fun art project.  We made a salt dough and pressed Logan's toy dinosaurs into the dough and baked it.
Once cooled, Logan painted his fossils.
He had fun!

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Canada Day 2012

 Happy Canada Day!
 We met good friends to watch the annual Canada Day Parade in N. Vancouver
Michael bought Logan his own kid sized chair and Canada Flag to wave.
I have to say that I was very proud to hear Logan cry, "Happy Canada Day!" 
especially to the veterans, North Shore Search and Rescue, RCMP and Firefighters.