Logan Destine

Monday, August 13, 2012

Early August 2012

 We have been growing two types of sunflowers from seed.  
These ones in bloom are a "bush type" of sunflower.  
The one from his after-school program has surpassed Mike in height and has yet to bloom.

Logan's Birthday started early on Saturday, August 11th at Castle Fun Park in Abbotsford.
Logan had so much fun showing Mommy & Memere the indoor/underground 18 hole mini-golf.

Go Karts were a lot of fun.  In the lead, are Michael & Logan.  
Second place are Laura & Kael.  
Third place (but ended up winning) was Kai in his solo Go Kart!

 Michael, Logan and Kai & Kael had a great time on the bumper cars.  
You could hear Logan giggling over the sounds of the bumper cars.

Thanks for joining us and celebrating Logan's Birthday!


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