Logan Destine

Friday, August 21, 2015

Family Staycation 2015 Part 1

 Day 1 of our Staycation was to check out the
Sea to Sky Gondola in Squamish, BC.
 A quick Gondola took us to the peak over looking
Howe Sound and the city of Squamish (45 mins from Vancouver).
 Many neat areas to explore once at the top.
Multiple trails to explore taking you to different look-outs.
More serious hikers can day hike even further up.
 Although it was a Monday and overcast.
There were many people checking out the sights.
In the winter, they have a tube park....I know someone who would enjoy that!
 Day 2 took us to New Brighton Pool.
Located on the other side of the Second Narrows Bridge,
very close to Playland/PNE.
 It has been years, but I suited up and jumped in.
A good way to stay cool during another hot summer day.
Other than the forced 30 min. after eating, Logan was in the water
for almost 5 hours.  He did sleep well that night!
 Day 3 took us out to Cultas Lake
Water Slides.  Another very hot day eventhough
there was a hazy sky in the afternoon from the Harrison 
Wildfire.  Great park/facility!
 Logan's 9th Birthday fell on Day 4.
He chose to go to Playland and we asked one of his friends,
Westin, to join us.
 Another very hot day!  Being at the top of the
Ferris Wheel not only gave us nice views,
but also nice breezes!
 Sorry that I cut you half out of the picture, Mike.
The Boys liked the Hellevator.
 The boys didn't even fit into the car of this kiddie ride.
When we asked why they went on it, they said that
they wanted to practice for their driving test!
 Nothing like squashing your friend with centrifical force!
The boys saw some friends from school that were also
at Playland for the day.  When they learned it was Logan's
Birthday, they cheered, "Happy Birthday, Logan!"
 Time to call it a day!  Thanks for joining us Westin!
Happy 9th Birthday Logan!
Logan requested an Ice Cream cake.
What a great idea!  His favourite flavour,
Cookies & Cream.

Family Staycation 2015 - Part 2

Day 5 took us to The Surrey Museum.
They have a Lego Display.
Kids are given check lists to find certain objects.
They had a plaque telling a bit about each scene.
Also, how many people and how many hours
each scene took to create.
Absolutely amazing!
The Vancouver Lego Club can take
all the credit!

 Day 6.
Science World was our last destination.

Looking back, we had fun exploring our city and
neighbouring areas.  The only complaint was the heat,
however, we are glad to not have booked a camping trip or
road trip with all the Wildfires in our Province!

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Early Summer 2015

 Norgate School Annual Fun Day!
Bike & Helmut decorated for Bike Parade.
 Each Grade got to challenge another grade for Tug 'o War.
Logan's Grade 3's vs. Grade 4's.
Grade 3's Won!
 Mmmm  Enjoying dinner outside during 
BC's heat wave!
 Mike asked for and got tickets for the
Marvel Universe Live show for
Father's Day.
 How cool does Logan think it is that his Dad
works for the company that makes one of his 
favourite games, "Plants vs. Zombie's"
 Logan got to spend time at Mom's work one weekend.
Logan grinds his teeth and Mom noticed some wear on his lower
molar teeth.  Lickity split, we had a Night Guard made to protect his teeth!
 We headed out to play a game of mini golf in Surrey.
 Lucky boys won a free game by scoring a hole-in-one!
White Rock Beach was so busy!
We were lucky to have found parking.
The tide was really far out!.