Logan Destine

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Week 7 photo

We've had a trying week! At the beginning of the week, Logan thought he was a cat. Slept well all day and was wide awake at night. We were reassured that Logan will switch this habit, and he did last night. The first part of the night he slept for 4 hours. Then again for 7.5 hours!!! We were getting concerned and asked each other, "Should we wake him up?". I could hear parents all over the world say, "Are you crazy? Never wake a sleeping baby!" Eventually he woke and man, was he hungry. Logan was out in the snow for the first time tonight. While visiting Grandpop & Linda (they both just returned from visiting Logan's Aunt Sonia, Ron and cousin Zoé), it began to snow! More snow is in the forecast.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sticking out his Tongue

Here we see him trying to touch his nose with his tongue. Well that what it looks like to me! Still a cute picture.

Throwing out some gang signs

Logan was just chilling out in his chair, you know just keeping it real, when he threw out some gang signs out for his hommies.

Another expressive face

The caption above his head should read “ Yeah that’s right Spit does Happen, got it ?”

Look at this face

One day I was trying to put Logan down for his nap. I asked him is he was tired and ready for his nap. Well this is the face I got. I started to giggle to myself, it was as if he was looking at me with an expression of “well what do you think Buddy” I had quickly grabbed the camera and snapped off a shot or two of his face and that expression.

Week Six Photo

OK this time we did forget to post Logan’s weekly photo. Why? Well, same old excuse, we were too busy with everything. On Friday night I went to the NFS Carbon wrap up party, to celebrate the Launch on our new Need For Speed Game that I worked on. I wasn’t planning on staying out too late. But to my surprise I won a door prize! A wine gift basket from Steamworks, it contains one bottle each of red and white, a bottle of Ice wine and port, with 2 wine glasses. Of course when I went to collect my prize, the announcer had a few kind words to say about me and let everyone know that I was a new father. He then asked where my wife was. I had answered in the microphone “Huuuummm …well she is at home with our son, Logan.” I then had to quickly explain to everyone that she did not feel like coming out tonight, but she insisted that I go without her. After chatting to a few friends I decided it was time to head home to help take care of Logan. Saturday was a bit of a write off….. as I was up till 4 am with Logan, so I slept until noon. Once I was awake Laura went to the craft fair and took some time out for herself. And when she returned, we took Logan out for a nice walk. Once we got back we where able to snap off a few photos. So here is Logan with his week six Photo.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Week Five

This week was a bit of a hectic week for us. Laura has come down with a cold, and I have finally returned back to work after being off for a month. Logan also had a doctors appointment this Friday, and he weighed in at 11 pounds 2 ounces. So to say the least we have had to do some readjusting with everything all over again. To top it all off we almost forgot to take this week’s photo. So with Laura sick I was left on my own to get this little cutie all ready for his photo shoot. He certainly is growing and changing rapidly.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Week 4 Photo

Here is this weeks Photo of Logan.