Logan Destine

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Week 7 photo

We've had a trying week! At the beginning of the week, Logan thought he was a cat. Slept well all day and was wide awake at night. We were reassured that Logan will switch this habit, and he did last night. The first part of the night he slept for 4 hours. Then again for 7.5 hours!!! We were getting concerned and asked each other, "Should we wake him up?". I could hear parents all over the world say, "Are you crazy? Never wake a sleeping baby!" Eventually he woke and man, was he hungry. Logan was out in the snow for the first time tonight. While visiting Grandpop & Linda (they both just returned from visiting Logan's Aunt Sonia, Ron and cousin ZoƩ), it began to snow! More snow is in the forecast.


Blogger Kim said...

He's getting so big!

9:41 PM  

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