Logan Destine

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Week 19

On February 13th, Logan turned 6 months old! I cannot believe that not too long ago, I would be going back to work at this point. Thank goodness for the 1 year mat. leave.

Logan had his 6 month check-up today. Weighing in at 15 lbs, 11 oz. The pediatrican gave us the green light to begin solids. Starting with rice cereal. No doubt pictures of Logan with rice cereal all over his face and hair will soon pop-up on the blog. Stay tuned.

Logan now rolls for us during daylight hours from his tummy to his back. What an accomplishment. We're so proud.

Logan enjoyed his first Valentines Day. He hasn't any secret admirers yet. (Mommy & Daddy don't count.)


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