Logan Destine

Monday, May 28, 2007

Just because

"I can almost reach!"

"Is this how you brush your teeth, Mom?"
Logan has graduated from his "baby bath" into this cool "ducky" bath. When you squeeze the ducks bill it quacks. Thanks for lending me your bath Zoé.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Week 33

Teething continues this week. Progress in the crawling dept. is astounding. The knees are moving forward but mainly to do little hops then flop onto belly.
Logan has tasted water this week thanks to a sippy cup from Nana. I think he prefers to chew on the tip at the moment.
Logan's new food this week was Avacado. We got smiles with the first few tastes, then the funny faces and shivers started after each spoonful. I kept offering a spoonful expecting rejection any moment, but no. He kept coming back for more until he finished half an Avacado. Good boy!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Week 32

It has been an eventful week. Logan's Grandparents returned to Winnipeg. Logan had his first swim in a pool. He celebrated his first Mother's Day! Thank-you for the pedicure Logan...How did you know? Now my toes are spring ready. The developmental specialist came for another visit. She was very impressed with Logan's progress (getting up on his hands and knees, sitting on his own for long periods, standing while assisted, etc.). We were given an exersaucer from Logan's cousins, Kai & Kael, as they didn't need it anymore. He enjoys it a lot. Michael returns to work next week after being on holidays.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Grandpa & Grandma Judy's visit

Logan certainly enjoyed meeting and getting to know another set of Grandparents. Micael's father, Richard, and Judy flew in from Winnipeg for a week to met Logan. This last picture shows three generations of Destine men. Have a safe flight home!

BBQ at Mia's

Logan was re-united with his friend Mia last Saturday night. We enjoyed a lovely BBQ. Thanks Matt & Renee! Logan got a taste of sharing his toys with other kiddies that night.

Logan's first Swim

Grandpa & Grandma Judy treated Logan to his first swim today. We went to the West Vancouver Aquatic Centre (they treat the water with ozone rather than tons of chlorine). Logan loved it! There are many different areas of the pool to explore. Logan's favorite was the area where the water bubbles up. I nearly got a picture but was told "No photos allowed" by the life guard. At least I managed these two, hee hee. Thanks cousin Zoé for leaving me your swim pants. We'll be returning for more swims I'm sure.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Week 31

Logan is more solid on his hands & knees as each day passes. He rocks back & forth and then falls onto his tummy.
Logan is enjoying getting to know his Grandpa & Grandma Judy from Winnipeg. They are here for a week. They are spending the weekend in Chilliwack visiting Logan's Aunt, Uncle and cousins.
Logan really enjoyed tasting banana for the first time yesterday. His eyes really lit up when the first spoon was tasted.

Friday, May 04, 2007

On Monday, Logan went to his first park.
Today, Logan got up on his hands and knees. He rocks back and forth and then flops back down onto his tummy.
Quite a few first this week. Logan tried his third vegetable, carrots. Another winner! I think we'll try bananas next.